Bella Luce Hotel i King’s Mills

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La Fosse, St.Martins, Guernsey, King’s Mills GY4 6EB, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 238764
Latitude: 49.431985, Longitude: -2.556677
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Kommentar 5

  • HL RFareham

    HL RFareham


    Love the Bella Luce. Have been to many a works Christmas Party there and the food is always good. Nice in summer to sit outside but the real charm is in the winter when its cold and wet outside and you are inside. It is so cozy and lovely. Good old fashioned Guernsey granite building. Charming. I get brownie points for brining off island visitors here. They love it

  • Susan Wall

    Susan Wall


    Really nice. Friendly staff, comfy bed, great bar and excellent breakfast. What's not to love.

  • karen wakefield

    karen wakefield


    Just had a wonderful deluxe afternoon tea. Beautiful weather so sat outside. Everything wonderful : lovely sandwiches, patisserie style small cakes and scones. Opted for a glass of champagne which was perfect. Good choice of tea and very attentive staff. Only downside is the service charge added to the bill. I object to this. I would have added a tip for the staff but this has to be earned not expected. I only hope this is passed on to the staff and does not go straight into the owner's account!

  • brian woodhouse

    brian woodhouse


    Second stay here. A real quality act and the restaurant gourmet food has good to a new level in the last 3 years. Some beds need renewing and improvements generally however it's a clean and well attended hotel. A great place to stay generally.

  • Peter Wingett

    Peter Wingett


    Second visit in 6 months. Location is superb (thank heavens they’ve got rid of the terrible wedding marquee in the garden). Only given 3 star revue due to build-up of small things. The standard room (103) this time was small to say the least. If you needed to use the bathroom mirror you need to be 7ft tall. Breakfast was OK but on one occasion we were given the “package deal” menu in error which carried several surcharges which were only explained when they were queried. Half the breakfast order was lost 1 day. There were only 2 guests in the dining room, us, and 3 waiting staff. Whilst the dining room looked good most of the dining chairs were sadly saggy and need re- holstering. On leaving we commented on the room size and were told “we had a party of guest in standard rooms. We try to avoid letting 103”. I’m sorry but in most of the 4 and 5 star hotels I’ve visited the common practice is to upgrade. Another comment is that the hotel was not busy. Considering the similar quality of several other hotels in Guernsey it’s very doubtful if we’ll return to the Bella Luce.

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