Birch Derek & Son i Guernsey

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35, The Pollet, GY1 1WH, Guernsey, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 722715
Latitude: 49.4581221, Longitude: -2.5352388
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Kommentar 3

  • jay bean

    jay bean


    Mike did a bespoke engagement ring with a matching wedding ring. He was extremely patient and was full of great ideas. He made us feel like we were important and only his best would do. His personal touch to the bespoke ring was second to none. I would recommend him highly to everyone because of his price and warm welcome by him and his staff when entering the shop. Also a really nice chap who likes chocolates :))))). Thanks for everything - Lee & Justine

  • David Szwarczewski

    David Szwarczewski


    Mike created a bespoke hand made ring for my fiancee and I could not speak more highly of Mike or his exemplary craftsmanship. Communication throughout the process was excellent, the ring is absolutely stunning and my other half loves it. She frequently receives compliments in particular to the intricacy of the design. Both the ring and service provided exceeded my expectations and I would recommend Derek Birch jewellers to everyone.

  • W Garrold

    W Garrold


    Fabulous designs and quality of stones. Charming staff.

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