Fermain Valley Hotel i Saint Peter Port

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Fermain Lane, St. Peter Port GY1 1ZZ, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 235666
Hjemmeside: www.fermainvalley.com
Latitude: 49.437887, Longitude: -2.540557
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Kommentar 5

  • Alex Eisenberg

    Alex Eisenberg


    Comfortable rooms. The decor is rather tired but the spot and the gardens are a real treat.

  • mike grenby

    mike grenby


    Ticking all the boxes makes for a perfect stay. OK, so perhaps it was the gorgeous gardens both above and below the hotel. Or maybe it was the picturesque bay at the bottom of the valley Or the location providing a scenic cliff walk into town/the harbour plus quick return by road. Or possibly the great room with a balcony. Or the very large flagon of sherry (“just help yourself”) in the room. Or the mega breakfast selections – cold and hot. Or the delicious dinners (and the chef will even customize a meal if s/he’s not too busy). Or the friendly service, including transfers in and around the town. Or…maybe all of the above. Do I need to say any more?

  • Helen Moore

    Helen Moore


    Spent 3 nights here. Totally loved it. Rooms beautiful and staff couldnt do enough to help. Would def recommend

  • Jamie Batiste

    Jamie Batiste


    Lovely location and premises. Modern with style. Friendly, helpful staff, great food in the lower restaurant. Haven't been to the others yet.

  • Ivor Bisson

    Ivor Bisson


    Our favourite hotel in Guernsey in beautiful valley surroundings with sea views. Great to sit on terraces in summer having snacks or full menu. They also do barbecues in the summer

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