New Look i St Peter Port

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Units 14a&b, The Market Building, St Peter Port GY1 1HF, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 749650
Latitude: 49.4542916, Longitude: -2.5375484
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Kommentar 5

  • Vicki Gaskin

    Vicki Gaskin


    It's the only local shop I buy clothes in. It's only flaw, and unfortunately it's a big one are the mirrors and lighting in the changing rooms. I know as I'm getting older I'm putting on a few pounds, however when trying on clothes here I feel disgusting! The mirrors and lighting make me look so bad, and other friends have said the same thing. Sort this problem and it would be the perfect store. You want to feel good when buying clothes, it makes me feel the opposite 😣

  • Lina Pedra

    Lina Pedra


    Big store

  • Happy Bunnies Binky

    Happy Bunnies Binky


    Came here whilst on a holiday shopping spree. New Looks in England are just as good, no better. Nice and friendly environment and atmosphere!

  • keesha crowson

    keesha crowson


    It's friendly and the staff are amazing always willing to help

  • Kellie Funhouse

    Kellie Funhouse


    This place is lovely only flaw is the lack of plus size clothing a spacious and nice looking store

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