St Pierre Park Hotel, Spa & Golf Resort i Saint-André-de-la-Pommeraye

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Rohais Saint-Pierre-Port GG, GY1 1FD, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 728282
Latitude: 49.4597286, Longitude: -2.5613594
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Kommentar 5

  • Andy G

    Andy G


    3 nights spent in this relaxing place. Lots of leisure and fitness amenities. Staff all polity if not a little slow at the bar. Breakfast I couldn't fault.

  • Nick Mckenzie

    Nick Mckenzie


    Very friendly staff. Good selection of food at reasonable price. Rooms are spacious and lovely and clean. Very good gym and swimming pool. Can't wait to go back

  • Mark Percival

    Mark Percival


    This place has the perfect ambience. The Staff are friendly and really professional. The hotel is a perfect combination of traditional and yet modern. The rooms, whilst a little dated in looks, are well appointed, maintained and clean. The bars and restaurants are well run, offer quality products and a reasonably priced for the level of hotel. Can't wait to go back

  • elissa renouf

    elissa renouf


    Fabulous hotel, lovely , helpful staff and a beautiful setting. Pool and hot tub provided the icing on the cake. Much appreciated a birthday card and chocolates to celebrate a big birthday.

  • Jimmy Gray

    Jimmy Gray


    Attended for a works Christmas dinner. Very nice, clean and tidy entrance. Attentive polite staff. Bar was busy but we were served quickly. Moved through to the dining area, food was served quickly, was delicious, only complaint was the portions were small. Generally well attended by the staff during the night. All in all a good night.

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