The Duke Of Normandie Hotel i Saint Peter Port

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Lefebvre Street, GY1 2JP, Saint Peter Port, GG Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 721431
Latitude: 49.456219, Longitude: -2.537556
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Kommentar 5

  • Colin Williams

    Colin Williams


    Good location, near the High Street and Waterfront. Super very good value food and great friendly staff. Nice pub type atmosphere. Comfortable beds. Nothing is to much trouble

  • Jamie Robinson

    Jamie Robinson


    Really friendly in a great location for Guernsey. Did not eat there but rooms were clean and breakfast great.

  • John Eeles

    John Eeles


    Central location. .lovely dinner menu.. and tasty grub. Rooms overheated - what is this issue with some places?. Happy pleasant staff.

  • Andy Smith

    Andy Smith


    We spent four nights here last week and had a great time. The place is old though, so the shower runs randomly hot and cold in the way old plumbing tends to do at peak times. The breakfasts were good and the service was excellent. I've known old town centre hotels like this so often fall back lazily on their position and reputation, but this hotel still feels like its trying hard offer customers a comfortable stay.

  • Diz Selby-Burwell

    Diz Selby-Burwell


    Let's start with the pickled pig,absolute fabulous food , I had beef pie and veg,sublime even the gravy was excellent which is something from me , no one ever seems to do good gravy ,but this place was excellent. The staff are helpful and friendly and respond to problems very efficiently.our bathroom on the down side was small,and being next to the stairs meant we heard everyone going up and down,even the people above us sounded like ,( or could be) elephants. Over all a nice hotel if we came back which Im not ,due to the catamaran which I'm now not a fan,I would consider staying here again.

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