Waitrose i Saint Peter Port

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Rohais, St. Peter Port GY1 1FG, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 729888
Hjemmeside: www.waitrose.com
Latitude: 49.4609316, Longitude: -2.5594041
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Ozanne

    Michael Ozanne


    Probably The Best Larger Store In The Island

  • Noize monkey

    Noize monkey


    Fresh food, good layout, café, good service and easy parking. Besant's is a good all round one shop experience. Not much selection at the café and if you are looking for a specialised diet like gluten free or dairy free forget it. The staff, although very nice, don't have a clue what ingredients go into their products.

  • Dicky Parmar

    Dicky Parmar


    Good selection of items, food & drink. Friendly staff, reasonable check out process, combined with self-service and basket only lane. Ample parking onsite.

  • James Sarre

    James Sarre


    Was Great! It's Dec but for two days been looking for mince pies, they only had mini pies on view .Today I asked a manager after await about 4 mins he had some from stores.Its just not the same shop as it was, they seem to have lost staff who were so helpful and cheerful many not from GUERNSEY they worked hard and wanted to be here.Going downhill to just another market

  • Matt Johnston

    Matt Johnston


    Quite a few empty shelves and the Waitrose friendliness I am used to was not that evident. Coffee is good though.

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