AJ Removals i Castel

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Elsby, Rue Du Friquet, GY5 7SS, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 7781 112195
Latitude: 49.465195, Longitude: -2.570886
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Kommentar 3

  • Ann McLellan

    Ann McLellan


    Amazing Service

  • joshua haddon

    joshua haddon


    So I just have to say Tom and Kane from AJ removals are the best movers ever- super polite, really really hard working, great lads - I had to move to the Arcade steps and it’s an insane location - one of those moves everyone dreads!. These guys had to hand palm all my gear down about a 400 meter road then go down 2 flights of stairs and they did it extremely professionally and we had a good laugh while doing it. Highly recommended ! Cent get over how hard they worked & Great price, friendly service, and if you treat them well they will treat you well! If you get the pleasure of working with AJ removals you are lucky! Thanks guys! I’ll be recommending you for sure to all my friends! -Joshua Haddon

  • Angela Graham

    Angela Graham


    Great service from these lovely guys, efficient, helpful and kind.

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