Best Western Moores Central Hotel i Guernsey

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The Pollet, GY1 1AA, Guernsey, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 724452
Latitude: 49.4574494, Longitude: -2.5360106
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Kommentar 5

  • David Moss

    David Moss


    Clean well presented hotel in middle of town. Staff extremely friendly and helpful.

  • Carlos Alfredo Casas

    Carlos Alfredo Casas


    Edificio antiguo, excelente confort y estilo. Excelente atención. En zona histórica de St.Peter Port, Guernsey

  • Tom Glancz

    Tom Glancz


    Great location, friendly staff, super showers and comfortable beds

  • Mandy Titley

    Mandy Titley


    Lovely hotel, great location, close to shops and the harbour. I stayed with my elderly disabled mother and all the staff were very friendly and helpful. Lovely food in the restaurant and any dietary requirements catered for. I would highly recommend this hotel and I will definitely be visiting again. The staff in reception, the restaurant, the bar and the maids are some of the best that I have come across. I cannot praise them highly enough.

  • Eileen Hardwick

    Eileen Hardwick


    Very hospitable. Staff very friendly & willng to help. Nothing is too much trouble. Room good size double, comfortable bed. Food very good. Great selection, good Vegan & Vegetarian options & staff willing to help with suggestions Food & plates always hot. Hideaway cafe very good for lunch , coffee/tea etc & great selection of cakes & pastries. Overall a great place to stay , very convenient to shops & sightseeing. Well worth a visit even in snowy, wet & windy March.!!

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