Costa Coffee i Guernsey

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Le Pollet, GY1 1WQ
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 715812
Latitude: 49.4577818, Longitude: -2.5351617
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Ford

    Michael Ford


    Always great coffee and friendly staff.

  • Osian Wright

    Osian Wright


    Lovely place, amazing coffee and visit very very frequently, but the place can get quite dirty if it is a busy day.

  • Bogoslov Ion

    Bogoslov Ion


    I needed to teach the girl how to do the iced belgian chocolate... The place is ok but obviously the employee are doing the place to look awful.

  • Lisa Robins

    Lisa Robins


    Both Costa Coffees in Town are great but I especially want to mention the one in the Arcade. I have difficulty walking and use a stick. They really look after me & are so lovely anyway. I go to Costa a lot and especially love the coffee (of course) and the cakes! I view it as my solemn responsibility to test them all 😉

  • Michael Hartley

    Michael Hartley


    Nice staff, clean and not to busy so you can here yourself think. All the usual Costa drinks and food is available.

Nærmeste Cafe:


5 The Pollet, Guernsey GY1 1WQ, UK
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