Guernsey Airport i Guernsey

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La Villiaze, GY8 0DS, Guernsey, GG Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 237766
Latitude: 49.434081, Longitude: -2.5994887
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Kommentar 5

  • Peter Saunders

    Peter Saunders


    No problems for us, nice and modern building, clean and easy to get around.

  • 20,000,001 Subscribers without any video

    20,000,001 Subscribers without any video


    And this is why I don’t like islands. They count me as “Spanish” or “French” which mean It’s hard for me and my family to have a good life. I’m probably gonna like Jersey more.

  • Angus



    About what you expect from a small airport - basic and not many creature comforts. Boarding and disembarking is easy - just a short stroll across the tarmac and then down a double corridor to/from the main terminal. Did not experience baggage processing but it looked reasonably efficient. Time from disembarking to being out front about 5 minutes with no luggage. Taxis outside - friendly and readily available. Departures is very basic. Seating is hard and uniform. The 'VIP' area is not segregated and just the same as the rest of the lounge. Duty free (of course) and that is about it. Reasonable size eatery but did not try this. They are apparently putting in new carpeting during 2018. Flights are called and you leave promptly - no need for long wait times or queuing. Security - again very basic with the usual processes. Could be quite a queue if a lot of people arrive all together as there is only one desk to check credentials before scanning. Take off is very quick - you are in the air within 3 to 4 minutes. Locals say that the landing/takeoff can be quite 'exciting' at times and there are delays due to weather.

  • Rob Ford

    Rob Ford


    Bring lots of money, you'll need it for that packet of crisps and drink you may just a but be able to afford from the small area that dispenses food. If you're delayed, get out the credit card. This frequently happens due to fog, if only one could invent a system where instruments assist you land. Unlike every other airport you check in not at the traditional area but at the machines on the left as you walk in, you may then go to the desk and hand in your bags. The service desk lady acted as if this was obvious when I tried to check in with her and I live here so I use it all the time and this was never the norm. Security persons are very nice and some service air staff are friendly and if lucky you may meet that cute little customs dog, or unlucky depending on the reason for your visit.

  • Thomas Hatton

    Thomas Hatton


    Small airport in the middle of nowhere very nice though wasn’t busy overall I liked it very efficient very quick

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