Income Tax Office i Saint Peter Port

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Edward T Wheadon House, Le Truchot, St. Peter Port GY1 3WH, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 724711
Latitude: 49.458402, Longitude: -2.5367067
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Kommentar 2

  • Goaltender Interference

    Goaltender Interference


    This tax office is a dream to deal with compared to the other countries I have lived in. The office's lines are short; the longest I have been kept waiting in line is about 5 minutes. I got simple, clear answers to my queries, either from the person at the desk or if the desk didn't know the answer, they got someone from the office to call me back same day. The forms and returns that I have needed to fill have typically been 1 or 2 pages, compared to the booklets that I have had to complete elsewhere. In an average year, I probably spend only about 15 minutes completing my Guernsey tax return. No one likes paying taxes, but if the tax collectors are efficient and professional like the ones in Guernsey, it is a lot less painful.

  • simon rivers

    simon rivers


    It's a tax office...what rating do you expect!

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