La Bailloterie Camping i Vale

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La Bailloterie Campsite, Bailloterie Lane, GY3 5HA
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 243636
Latitude: 49.489357, Longitude: -2.531147
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Kommentar 5

  • Denis Burns

    Denis Burns


    Richard discribes the camp sight as just a field but it's a field like no other, great location, just the place for some rest and relaxation. First time visiting Guernsey and I would recommend the whole island. This camp sight is excellent top to bottom with great host. Thank you Richard & Carol

  • Kevin



    Beautiful and quiet area for a camp site, situated close to one of Guernseys main bus routes and a few minutes away from St Sampsons harbour and mini town where most items can be bought. Also easy to get a bus from there into the main town of St Peter Port, as buses go in from there very regularly

  • Kyle Wood

    Kyle Wood


    Spent the weekend camping here, the pitches are large with plenty of space for kids to play, easy walking distance to a supermarket but out of the way enough that's it's nice and quiet. Revamped reception and showers are comfortable and kept clean and tidy. Overall very nice and would happily camp there again.

  • Maaike Konijn

    Maaike Konijn


    Lovely site. Well maintained. Friendly staff. Clean. Great bbq's. We didn't expect to be hearing the road like we did, which was a little downside. The baby facilities could be improved. Great stay over all.

  • Els Lucky

    Els Lucky


    The showers needed a squeegee so you could clean the filth water out after your shower. The staff weren't managed well and one girl was annoyed when we asked her to fill up the toilet roll. Nice area for camping.

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