Le Friquet Country Hotel and Apartments i Castel

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Le Friquet, GY5 7ST, Castel, GG Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 256509
Hjemmeside: www.lefriquethotel.com
Latitude: 49.467942, Longitude: -2.569212
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Kommentar 5

  • Ray Clark

    Ray Clark


    The most welcoming hotel we have stayed in. The rooms were immaculate and very comfortable. The food in the hotel is second to none, great local foods well prepared and served by an absolutely wonderful and helpful staff, where nothing is too much trouble. In fact each and every member of staff we encountered, from manager, reception, bar, to room service were great. There are local buses with 5 min walk and Samurez Park about 15 mins stroll. There is a heated outside swimming pool ( but we did not use it). The rooms on the second floor have sloping ceilings so very tall people beware! Plenty of drawer and hanging space and a good powerful shower over the bath. There is no lift in the hotel.

  • Pete Goodman

    Pete Goodman


    Really enjoyed our stay. Friendly staff and very clean and comfortable room.

  • Lisa Le Tissier

    Lisa Le Tissier


    Lovely hotel, conveniently located, friendly & helpful staff, superb breakfast, clean & tidy, efficient heating. Would definitely stay again and recommend.

  • Justin Nunn

    Justin Nunn


    Excellent food, accommodation and service. I would highly recommend staying here.

  • james dowie

    james dowie


    Great hotel amazing food really good rooms staff are amazing

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