Queens Road Dental Centre i Guernsey

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The Queen's Road, GY1 1PU, Guernsey, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 721691
Hjemmeside: www.queensroaddental.co.uk
Latitude: 49.4541784, Longitude: -2.5489388
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Kommentar 5

  • Rodney Goldsbrough

    Rodney Goldsbrough


    I was given an appointment on short notice which really suited as I was going on holiday abroad the following week. As usual my treatment met with my highest expectations with everything being explained in detail. Going to the dentist can be daunting but I never experience any pain due to the careful handling.

  • Jonathan Trueman

    Jonathan Trueman


    Visiting Guernsey I lost a filling. Queens Road Dental fitted me in on an emergency appointment despite being busy. The treatment was first class and all the team both courteous and personable. If I lived on Guernsey this would be my go to dentist. Thank you guys.

  • Janet Hutcheon

    Janet Hutcheon


    QRDC have looked after my teeth for the last three years and I have always been impressed with the skill and care I have received. So now I just lie back, relax and let them get on with it in the knowledge that nothing is going to be more than mildly uncomfortable. The equipment appears to be impressively up to date and the team work smoothly together. Afterwards I am sometimes told, "your gums/mouth may feel a bit sore for a while" but I find they never do.

  • jacob naftel

    jacob naftel


    The staff are really polite and have sympathy when you are in pain. They have stoped at nothing to do there best to help me, including trying some new equipment out which are inovation in brasies. A very clean and fresh look and feel to the practice.

  • Amy Le Tissier

    Amy Le Tissier


    Renovated Practice looks amazing-very inviting and relaxed atmosphere. Staff are really friendly and helpful. Highly recommended!!

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