Red Grill House and Cocktail Bar i St Peter Port

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61 The Pollet, GY1 1WL
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 700299
Latitude: 49.457842, Longitude: -2.535264
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Kommentar 5

  • Richard Miller

    Richard Miller


    Came to Red for lunch with friends. The staff were very professional and service was very good. Had a lovely starter platter: ceviche, squid, lamb lollipops, pork, etc. Very good! For lunch, we shared the lobster mac and cheese. A good of amount of lobster, but it was a bit overwhelmed by the mac and cheese. Not sure if they used lobster stock to cook the macaroni, but that might have added a more “lobstery” taste. Also had the steak lunch special which had very tender and well cooked meat. Delicious!

  • R Phillips

    R Phillips


    Nice upmarket bar upstairs, you’ll need VERY deep pockets though the prices of drinks are very expensive. Vodka Lime and Soda cost me over £7.00. The cocktail prices.... have a defibrillator at the ready !!!

  • William Bisson

    William Bisson


    Can have a lot of fun upstairs in the cocktail bar, and the cocktails are decent and varied. They will also serve off menu cocktails. Good music and service. Unfortunately too small and gets crammed. The real downer are the lavatories. Totally inadequate for the volume and you can imagine the state they can end up in. On a plus side, less likely to be turned away for looking too casual, a common stuck in the 80s theme Guernsey still exists in.

  • Danny Vasic

    Danny Vasic


    Very good steak but not enough sauce

  • Annette Shepherd

    Annette Shepherd


    Really enjoyed dining here, the food was really delicious, reasoned and presented well. The ceviche to start was lovely and steak for main course, which was cooked perfectly to order, the red wine which was recommended went very well with it. The staff were very attentive and knowledgable which made the whole experience even better. We went for a few cocktails upstairs afterwards, which were well made and there was good selection. The balcony looking over the harbour is lovely. Didn't feel it was overpriced as others have suggested, given the quality of food and service, I felt was worth it.

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