Duke of Richmond Hotel i St Peter Port, Guernsey,

Åben kort
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Cambridge Park, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 1UY, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 726221
Hjemmeside: www.dukeofrichmond.com
Latitude: 49.459944, Longitude: -2.542111
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Kommentar 5

  • Volker Hachmann

    Volker Hachmann


    Gute Küche und tolles Hotel. Vor Allem die Menschen machen den Unterschied, hier kommt man heim. Vielen Dank und bis bald




    The hotel is a 15 minute walk from the centre of town, some of it up hill on the return. The bedrooms and bathrooms are a good size and very well decorated and comfortable. The staff are very helpful and friendly. The food in the Leopard restaurant is good and well served, the Baked Alaska is to die for! I would definitely go back to this hotel, or any hotel in the Red Carnation group.

  • ombleo



    Wonderful service and very welcoming of pets and fantastic food at a good price for the quality.

  • anna primorac

    anna primorac


    Die Leute sind dort sehr hilfsbereit. Es herrscht eine angenehme Stimmung und die Zimmer sind sehr schön und individuell gestalten. Ich kann mich nicht beklagen. Das essen ist auch super. Es gibt einen Pool und man hat einen schönen Ausblick.

  • Da Groove

    Da Groove


    Good welcome when I checked in with friendly smile from staff. Quick and easy to get your key. Arrived in room and it was very cold. Operation of the air conditioning was necessary but not immediately obvious. Nice size room and bedding. Breakfast was great with excellent food and service.

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