La Fregate Hotel i Saint Peter Port

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Les Cotils, St. Peter Port GY1 1UT, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 724624
Latitude: 49.459438, Longitude: -2.537059
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Kommentar 5

  • Nicholas Tonkes

    Nicholas Tonkes


    A fabulous hotel, the rooms are well appointed and have delightful views over the bay. The staff are very friendly and went out of the way to ensure our stay was enjoyable. The restaurant was also brilliant, I can not recommend the Crepe Suzette enough!

  • Ian Vaudin

    Ian Vaudin


    Cracking lunch. The wife and I went for lunch here. Had drinks on the balcony what a view, before being guided inside for lunch. Great menu and the food was excellent. I have to recommend the desert. All this was surpassed by the fantastic service.

  • Richard Miller

    Richard Miller


    Had a wonderful lunch at La Fregate today. The service was wonderful and matched our laid back schedule perfectly. We were celebrating our wedding anniversary and it could not have been nicer. The view from the dining room and veranda at amazing. Typical of Guernsey weather, when we arrived it was cloudy and misting so we could not sit outside. That is the only thing I wish I could have changed. For starters, we had the asparagus with a poached duck egg and hollandaise sauce. For lunch, one of us had the duck, another had the lunch scallops, and another had he skate. For dessert, we shared an apple tarte with pistachio ice cream. All were wonderful. The only complaint I could find was that the bread with lunch was either cold or a little stale. All in all, absolutely fabulous lunch and about the best views of St Peter Port.

  • Niall Kealy

    Niall Kealy


    Consistently top quality food

  • Ian Macdonald

    Ian Macdonald


    A very good hotel. The facilities in the room were excellent. The food was of a very high standard and served with aplomb. The staff were all excellent, efficient and happy. What more do you want? Just one thing floss in the restaurant loo.

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