The Old Government House Hotel & Spa i Saint Peter Port

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Anne's Place St Peter Port GG, GY1 2NU, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 724921
Latitude: 49.4574072, Longitude: -2.5385834
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Kommentar 5

  • peter Hall

    peter Hall


    We're told it's the best hotel in Guernsey and I'm sure it is but as we fell in love with OGH from day one we've not been elsewhere to stay on the island. From arrival to departure your every need is anticipated and supplied by wonderful staff who never fail to smile and for whom nothing is too much bother. Everyone is greeted like an old friend ( and many are just that) and like us return year after year. Great accommodation, dining and leisure.Easy walk downhill into town and if you can't face the climb back it's only a couple of minutes by taxi.

  • Frederic de Sibert

    Frederic de Sibert


    Attractive and quiet. Food acceptable but not quite up to prices.

  • LB



    The area and drinks looked great. I would love to be able to review them in more depth but we were led to a table, handed menus and forgotten about so left having waited for 25 minutes.

  • Sue May

    Sue May


    Lovely hotel and clean. Staff lovely and will do anything for you. We have been to this hotel 4 times and are planning are next visit.

  • Jack Karson

    Jack Karson


    Without doubt my favourite hotel in the world. I love going back here everytime, though its mostly with work. The staff are utterly amazing and this alone makes you want to come back again and again.. there is nothing that they wont or cant do for you. The hotel is beautifully decorated as are the rooms which ooze decadence and charm..and wonderfully appointed. Its ideally situated to explore St Peter Port. The restaurants are wonderful especially the Indian and breakfast is a tour de force. The only sad thing is when i have to leave.. but then you count the days till when you come back.. just simply wonderful.

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