Guernsey Museum & Art Gallery i St Peter Port

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Candie Gardens, GY1 1UG
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 726518
Latitude: 49.458973, Longitude: -2.540364
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Kommentar 5

  • alan price

    alan price


    Lovely, little but really interesting museum well worth some time. It’s cafe has amazing views, lovely staff and excellent food. A perfect place for a pit stop.

  • Graeme Walker

    Graeme Walker


    Interesting attraction. Great coffee shop. Nice staff. Baldini

  • David Carthew

    David Carthew


    Lovely museum in beautiful grounds. Takes you through a lot of local history from the local language to all the myths and superstitions. There was also a wartime medical section which was very interesting and informative about medical services during the war, some of it quite moving. There is also a great cafe here with table service. The scones are a must.

  • Sue May

    Sue May


    Interesting place I really enjoyed going there. Also there is a victorian café that has a good menu. Staff at the museum and café are warm and friendly. You can also get the key and climb to the top of the Victoria tower. The views are impressive. From there you visit the German HQ which is the signals museum and the gentleman there gave us a tour around and talked to us about the occupation, this was very interesting and well worth visiting and having the tour.

  • Phil Trouteaud

    Phil Trouteaud


    Signed up for the discovery passes and took a look at Olympia McEwans "Amazing Women - Yellow Chair Project". Loved the colours and styles she used. Keeping the other exhibition areas for another day.

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