Victor Hugo House i Guernsey

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38 Hauteville, St Peter Port, GY1 1DG
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 721911
Latitude: 49.4529417, Longitude: -2.537653
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Kommentar 5

  • HL RFareham

    HL RFareham


    I did a midnight tour of the house and it was AMAZING. It was so atmospheric and a little bit creepy to be frank. Fabulous for art and literature lovers. The opening hours are quite limited and the midnight viewing is a once a year thing. Something to do with midnight openings of Parisian museums

  • Chef Adrian Magnano

    Chef Adrian Magnano


    This old house is truly amazing closed till 2019 make a point of visiting if your lucky enough to be in Guernsey

  • Peter Bromley

    Peter Bromley


    You get a real sense of Hugo from the house, the guided tour is very good. It must have been strange him living here on the island, also you get to see the room he worked in... fascination. The book about him et the house is 1st rate, which is available from where you get your ticket.

  • bernarda frayne

    bernarda frayne


    Super super but make sure you book Ensure you keep your handbag on you as the staff were wanting to make you hand over to them. No way as NO-ONE hands their passport monies etc in their bag to be left on an open shelf where member of staff is not there all of the time. The young lady as guide was Brilliant Her knowledge of history entertaining. Utterly charming That good we tipped her to show our appreciation. Spent a long time there A lasting memory

  • Kerachs



    Opens at 10am. This is the only negative point I would write about this place. It is a must go if you are around. There is other interesting places around. Victor Hugo's house provides so many great info about this writer, but also amazing souvenirs of the places he used to live. Stop by if you visit Guernsey!

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