La Vallette Underground Military Museum i La Vallette

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La Vallette GY1 1AX
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 722300
Latitude: 49.4479228, Longitude: -2.5323861
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Kommentar 5

  • Owen Stiles

    Owen Stiles


    A good lot of information and military medals, uniforms and history from the occupation. Don't follow Google Maps as it says the entrance is on the top of the cliff. Just follow the path/roaf round to the sea bathing pools/aquarium.

  • ian drew

    ian drew


    Excellent. Packed with all sorts

  • Peter Saunders

    Peter Saunders


    This place is great! I’m very interested in anything to do with world war 2 so definitely wanted to visit and was pleasantly surprised at how well kept the place is and how many artefacts they have. The museum is relatively small but there’s a lot to see and it’s so interesting!

  • Karen L Herbowyhubalek

    Karen L Herbowyhubalek


    It looks like a nice adventure. Very interesting.

  • neil heffey

    neil heffey


    Great little museum with lots of information and war memorabilia’s on show. Museum is an underground tunnel built by the Germans during the time they occupied the island. Got some good souvenirs to take home and a book published in 1946 by one of the residents who lived through the occupation.

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