Castle Cornet i Saint Peter Port

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GY1 6JN, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 721657
Latitude: 49.4529294, Longitude: -2.526386
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Kommentar 5

  • Maura Mould

    Maura Mould


    Fantastic. Explore it thoroughly and leave yourself plenty of time to do it. Climb to the very top to the flag mast. Enjoy good home-cooked food...and if you're very lucky like my husband was, you can stand at the sea wall and watch the dolphins.

  • Peter Saunders

    Peter Saunders


    Amazing castle which I can definitely recommend! It’s huge so make sure you have plenty of time - very interesting as during the German occupation of the islands, they actually fortified the castle with the addition of concrete bunkers (unsurprisingly). You get great views from around the castle wall - if possible go on a day when the kids are at school because it can apparently get very busy - we visited on a week day in September and we practically had the place to ourselves!

  • Nathan Brooking

    Nathan Brooking


    Absolutely amazing. Several museum's on site of different themes. History of the castle, Maritime museum, 201 squadron museum, Royal Guernsey Military Museum and various smaller exhibitions. We took an extensive free tour with Neville (Nev) one of the visitor assistant. He was brilliant, very engaging and knowledgeable as a local Guernseyman born and bread. He livened up the tour with many anecdotes and quips not just about the castle but the island and relationship with Jersey. Highly recommended a full day out here!

  • David Carthew

    David Carthew


    Great place to visit of you are in Guernsey. The 10.30 tour is a must. They fire the noon day gun here, just watch out for the bang! Lots of different museums and places to see which are all interesting. It is a big place with lots to see and do and great views. Recommended.

  • Mr Kbjunior88

    Mr Kbjunior88


    Very helpful and friendly staff really made the visit enjoyable! Well documented and informative..... gave a real insight . Well done.... great attraction!

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