Pandora Hotel i Guernsey

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52, Hauteville, GY1 1DG, Guernsey, Channel Isles, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 720971
Latitude: 49.4509131, Longitude: -2.5382194
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Kommentar 5

  • Bob Houthuyzen

    Bob Houthuyzen


    A nice hotel in a quiet environment. The rooms are al different buy cosy. Breakfast is served at the tablet, good and with lot of choise. A feel good place. I started this review with a 4star, but have to adjust this to a 5 star. The kitchen is realy good. The staf all have a high attention to the guests. This is a hotel with ambition.

  • Freda Denwood

    Freda Denwood


    Brilliant staff efficient and friendly. Nice clean hotel with lovely well kept gardens. Been in four star hotels not as good.

  • James Joesph Miller

    James Joesph Miller


    Nice friendly hotel good food nice rooms

  • Mireille JD

    Mireille JD


    I love this place ! The staff are friendly and my room was quite comfortable, with a marvellous view on the sea. The food is great as well..

  • David Argles

    David Argles


    Absolutely love this hotel. The reviews are spot on: it's clean, has good food, friendly and helpful staff, delightful gardens, is excellent value. The niggles are also correct; mattress could be better, toilet/shower cramped, shower easily leaks onto floor, our room looks out onto car park. But if you want perfection, don't expect to pay this price ;-) **End of week update** My wife was ill for the last two days of our stay, and the hotel staff were magnificent, genuinely concerned, and nothing was too much trouble for them. For that alone, we would rate this as one of the best hotels we've ever stayed in.

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