Yacht Inn i Saint Peter Port

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South Esplanade, St. Peter Port GY1 1AN, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 715488
Hjemmeside: www.theyacht.gg
Latitude: 49.4530063, Longitude: -2.5359036
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Kommentar 5

  • Michael Seed

    Michael Seed


    We really like the Yacht inn. Newlyvredon rooms, great location looking over marina, really nice fresh cooked english breakfast. Very accomodating and helpful landlord. Well be back...

  • Richard Furr

    Richard Furr


    Firstly the staff were fantastic and very helpful and friendly. The breakfast was also very impressive Unfortunately the room was a bit of a let down. We stayed in a 4 person family room with our own cot for our 4 month old baby. We were informed on arrival that the room was on the fifth floor and there was no lift. We were all incredibly out of breath by the time we got the suitcases/travel cot/personal bags up to the room. The room itself was a good size and had a very nice smart tv on the wall... Unfortunately there was no signal so regular tv wasn't available. Fortunately i managed to sign into Netflix, but that was on my own sign in. My main problem was with the bathroom and in particular the shower.... I'm 6'2 and due to the sloped ceiling in the bathroom i literally had to kneel down in the bath to shower (for the first time since i was about 5 years old). Couldn't fault the staff and its only down to them that this doesn't have a much lower score

  • Ana Laura

    Ana Laura


    friendly staff! cozy room

  • Nick Strand

    Nick Strand


    Spot on

  • Vanessa Timms

    Vanessa Timms


    What a pleasure. My husband and I went to the Yacht Inn between Christmas and New Year. Very clean, lovely room at the top, well worth the climb of the stairs. Food and service excellent. Will definitely be back.

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