The Bridge Dental Clinic Ltd i South Side

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Nelson House, South Side, Guernsey GY2 4QH, Guernsey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1481 245357
Latitude: 49.481793, Longitude: -2.517729
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Kommentar 5

  • Mazzie Hale

    Mazzie Hale


    I recommend this dental practice highly . All staff are very efficient and friendly from the reception staff who put you at ease as soon as you walk in to the dentist who is very calm and gentle , and explains exactly what she is doing .

  • Iain Phillips

    Iain Phillips


    Excellent customer service, very friendly staff and puts the nervous patients at ease, when you have an emergency, they do all they can to fit you in at the earliest opportunity where possible.

  • Rick Brouard

    Rick Brouard


    I used to put off dental visits, not quite a phobia but just did not like the experience. I have been with the Bridge practice for a couple of years now and those feelings of apprehension have long gone, in fact I look forward to my regular checks and a concern this week of a damaged tooth had me straight on the phone to them. Highly recommended. Thank you Dr Shah.

  • John De Carteret

    John De Carteret


    The best dental experience that I have ever had. The weird thing was that I actually enjoyed it and I absolutely hate going to the dentist. It scares me to death and each time I get very anxious before hand. As usual I was extremely anxious as I sat in the dentists chair, but the lady dentist was very patient and she was very gentle. Yes, I felt the needle, but it didn't hurt so much. The tooth was difficult to extract, but all I felt was slight discomfort and I even felt like laughing as opposed to shaking and wishing i wasn't there. If this had been a holiday experience, i would have posted a 'Wish You Were Here, card to all my friends. Definitely a 5 star experience. I've got to go back and I'm hoping that I won't be as nervous or as anxious as normal.

  • Hazel Relf

    Hazel Relf


    Having broken a tooth over the weekend and been in pain ever since, the team at Bridge Dental arranged an emergency appointment. Pleased to say Hylton managed to save my tooth and put me completely at ease as I normally dread any dentist appointment. All fixed and good as new. Thank you all so much for fitting me in at such short notice. Apologies to patients that had a bit of wait due to my appointment being slotted in-between regular times.

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